MAALOULA, SYRIA (ANS - May 13, 2016) - Fanatical Islamic terrorists are committing "genocide" against Christians, especially in Iraq and Syria, in a bid to annihilate all traces of Christianity in the region. youtube_screen shot
Dan Wooding, ASSIST News Service On May 14, 2016
daily news of rapes, beheadings and destruction that Islamic State (ISIS), and
other radical Islamists are committing against the Christians of the Middle
East, there is finally some good news from the region.
the people of Maaloula, Syria, which is one of the world's oldest Christian
cities, have survived. However, CBN News found that preserving the town's
Christian heritage came with a heavy cost.
to a CBN video report by Gary Lane, the CBN News Senior International Reporter,
"Maaloula is an ancient Christian city where the people still speak
Aramaic, the language of Jesus. Located 35 miles northeast of the Syrian
capital city of Damascus, Islamic terrorists overran and occupied Maaloula in
September 2013.
of its ancient history, Maaloula has become a symbol of Christianity. That's
why Islamic extremists wanted to dominate it because it is this symbol for all
of Syria. And that's why it was important for Syrian President Bashar al-Assad's
regime to regain control of the city."
said that the Syrian army "fought aggressively" and "liberated
Maaloula eight months after the terrorists seized control." But, he added,
the town had already suffered much hardship and destruction.
left St. George's Church in Maaoula largely intact, but they did their damage
to the interior, including some of the church's ancient icons," said
veteran journalist, Lane.
tried to erase the city's Christian heritage by shooting up the icons. They
used knives to desecrate a depiction of the Last Supper. They knocked down a
statue of Jesus and broke it into pieces."
he added, the terror inflicted on human lives proved even more devastating.
came here to convert the Christians to Islam, and they wanted to destroy
Maaloula because it is Christian," Maryam El Zakhm told CBN News.
"They shouted ‘Allahu Akbar!' They were from Chechnya, Egypt, Libya, from
everywhere - Tunis, Algeria. They came with long hair, long beards and scary faces."
was at home when Islamic jihadists armed with automatic weapons and grenades
approached her doorstep.
attacked my house and started screaming ‘come out you Christian pigs!' I knew
they planned to take our daughters, rape and kill them," she recalled.
"So, I thought of killing my daughters and then myself before they could
get to us. I then prayed to God instead and asked Him to give us a chance to
leave the house."
and her family escaped out a back door just moments before the terrorists
stormed their home.
went on to say that Father Toufic Eid is the parish priest of St. George's
Greek Melkite Catholic Church, and told CBN News, "We had a lot of fear,
in fact, at that time and people began to leave Maaloula. In fact, six men were
kidnapped. We still do not know their fate."
also kidnapped 15 nuns and kept them captive three months before they were
freed in a prisoner exchange. Other Christians, however, were not so fortunate.
said that restoration efforts continue at Saint Sarkis Monastery. It's one of
the oldest monasteries in all of Christendom. It was heavily damaged by the
terrorists, but today it is mostly restored.
monastery chapel remains intact. Built in the 4th century on the ruins of a
pagan temple, it predates the Council of Nicea in 325 AD," Lane said.
"Missing today are 16th and 18th century icons that once adorned the
chapel walls. The jihadists may have either sold or destroyed them."
Maryam says the terrorists could have easily massacred Maaloula's Christians,
but God intervened.
believe prayer had an effect. By your prayers, we were protected," she
many buildings have been restored, it will take longer for the people to
rebuild their lives.
daughter has nightmares and screams in the middle of the night, and said,
‘they're coming to kill us!'" said Maryam.
Father Toufic remains optimistic, he knows the Christians of Maaloula still
face many challenges as fighting continues in their country.
are rising again. We are rising again...This is a step of faith in fact. To
have hope. Pray for us to have more hope, more hope because the difficulties
are so much in fact," he said.
said that Maryam also requested prayer from Christians worldwide.
that God will not only restore peace to Maaloula, but to all of Syria,"
she said.