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2013-01-25 11:23:05 Views : 4870 |

Assyrian singer Martin Yaqo - Bahra d Aynee

With so many great Assyrian singers now living abroad in so many different countries, it is hard to keep up with all the new music that comes out every week!

Here at Ishtar, we will highlight one artist every week. Last week, we discovered newcomer Zee Zomaia from the US. The week before, it was Rama Younan from Sweden.

This week, it is Martin Yaqo - the singer-songwriter from Toronto, Canada. Yaqo has been in the scene for a while now. Originally from Mosul, Yaqo has come out with many songs and music videos. Check out his newest video called Bahra d Aynee (Assyrian for the light of my eye.)


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