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2011-12-09 18:45:11 Views : 3763 |

Al- Karma Journal

A Cultural, Social General Quarterly


The first No of the journal was issued in 31/12/ 2003 following an exceptional meeting of the intellectuals in the town of Karemles during which the managerial board was elected.

Depending on self-funding, 63 midsize ( 17x24) volumes of 30 pages in only black and white colors were issued.

Following the generous support by Mr. Sarkis Aghajan, the pages have been increased to 70 of which 8 are coloured.

After getting the approval from the governorate of Nineveh , as per the letter No. 58, dated 18/01/ 2004, the journal used to be issued on a monthly basis for more than three years and then it was changed to a quarterly.

Today it is printed at Shafeeq Printing Press in Baghdad . The connoisseur of the quarterly is Archdeacon  Yousif Shem’aoon al-Qahwachi pastor of Mar Adday Chaldean church in Karamles.

The journal is edited by a group of well- know intellectuals and journalists. The editor in chief is Mr. Tawfiq Sa’aeed, a writer and journalist and member of the managerial board of Kurdistan Journalist’s Federation and also head of Nineveh branch of Ishtar TV Office. The secretary of the journal is Matti Ismael, a  well-known poet. The editorial board comprises :

Deacon Ghanim Matti a Syriac language expert, camera man Khalid Abdul Maseeh, Mr. Faraj Plolus a well-known intellectual, Mr. Muayad Ablahad a journalist, and Wasan Ablahad a TV reporter and journalist. The design and production of the magazine is supervised by Ragheed Jarjees who is an engineer. Many well-known intellectuals and journalist from our Chaldean Syriac Assyrian people contribute to the journal, especially in the plain of Nineveh.

Al-Karma is interested in the affairs and culture of our Chaldean Syriac Assyian people, Christian literature and the news and activities of our people covering various aspects. It also supports the youth culture and literary work through developing their potentials, publication of their writings and boosting their education.

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