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2011-08-27 16:29:47 Views : 3930 |

Alqush Sports Club


Alqush sports club was established in 2001 under the name Martyr Firas’Club through the efforts made by a group of athletes of whom we list just for information, the members of the foundation body:

Tha’air Yubeel Dawwo

Tha’air Hurmez Qasha

Jameel Jarjees Laso

Majid Hanna Qas Noona

Ablahad Sadiq Sawro

Wadi’a Aziz Malakha

Hameed Khudeda Chalabi

Dhafir Hazim Yalda

Sa’aib Sabah Kamel

’Amer Yousif Jahouri

In 2004, the name of the club was changed to Alqush Sports Club and was supported by Mr. Sarkis Aghajan.

The club lies in the District of Alqush/ Mar Qardagh Qtr. The club has a managerial board whose members are as follows:

Basil Toma Oraha, head of Alqush Sports Club

Tha’air Yubeel, head of the sports committee,

‘Amer Yousif Matti, deputy head

 Farqad Kamal Elias , vice head of the committee

Ziyad Sadiq Abdul-Ahad, secretary

Fuad Dawood Goriyal , secretary of finance

Basil Toma Oraha

Dadeer Ayoub Yousif, member

Sarmad Sa’aeed Bebo, member

Lydia Jamal Polus, member

Names of Teams working in the club:

Football/ males/ football school- beginners-youth- advanced- pioneers

Five Article Football/males/ beginners/youth/ advanced / pioneers

Five Article Football/ females/beginners- youth- advanced

Volleyball/females/ beginners- youth- advanced

Volleyball/ females/ young girls

Basket ball/males/children- beginners- youth

Basket ball/ females / Young girls

Ping pong / males/ young- beginners- youth-advanced

Ping pong/female/youth/young girls


Cycling/females/ young

Swimming / males/young-youth

Physical fitting/males/youth

Chess/males/young/beginners- youth

Chess / females/beginners-youth

Track & Field/males/general

Track & field / females / general


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