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2011-12-03 17:29:01 Views : 9211 |

Ankawa Akad Sports Club

A Profile

In the spring of 1992, a group of young athletes, supported by old sports veterans, took the initiative to establish a sports club in Ankawa. There were numerous meetings and exchanges of views until11/06/ 1992 when the first organized sports gathering was held at the Church of Mar Gorgese. During the meeting the provisional foundation body was formed to manage the club’s sports activities and managerial affairs and seek financial and moral support. In this respect we should not forget the role played by Kurdistan Regional Government (KRG) and Mr. Sarkis Aghajan the minister of finance and their financial support in constructing the present building of the club, the sports stadium, and an Olympic swimming pool.

There were subsequent regular meetings and some changes in the names of the foundational body. During those meetings the club’s by-law was formalized and the club was called Ankawa Akad Sports Club.

A memorandum by the foundational body was submitted to the official bodies concerned to offer the club a legal license as per the letter of the ministry of culture in Kurdistan Region Government KRG No. 914 in 25/ 08/ 1992.

Then license was given by the Iraqi Olympic Committee as per the letter No. 8676 in 13/ 09/ 1992.

And based on the meeting minutes of the Central Council of Clubs No. (3) dated 02/ 09/ 1992, the foundational body was set up comprising the following personnel:

1.    The late Nasir Y. Mansour

2.    Eshaya H. Dawood

3.    Shawqi Y. Matti

4.    Sulaqa Y. Shabo

5.    Thair Abdul-Ahad Augustine

6.    The Late Basima H. Butrus

7.    Amal I. Oraha

8.    Pnuwel H. Dawood

9.    Fraydoon M. Gando

10.                       Salama S. Ya’aqub

11.                       Bayan S. Shabo


Other meetings followed and there was a meeting with the managerial body of Senharib Sports Club with an objective to conduct a program for a sports festival between the two clubs.

So, a big sports festival was actually organized under the auspices of the minister of culture in KRG Mr. Shirko Bekas.. It lasted for many days. The festival included a number of sports events for both men and women and was concluded by a family party in the Civil Servants Club.

Resigning members of the foundational body were replaced by other new members before the lapse of the legal period such as:

1.    Jamal Y. Gorges replacing Eshaya Hurmez who resigned.

2.    Salim Sha’aya Shabo replacing Pnuwell Hurmez who resigned.

3.    Anwar S. Matti replacing Fraydoon Mamlook who resigned.   

After six months of work by the foundational body, the club got a new headquarter and a number of good sports teams for both men and women. On orders from the ministry of culture, as per the letter of the ministry No. 11/ 1/ 3/ 754 dated in 3/ 8/ 1992, a sum of money was allocated to cover the rent of the house used by the club (the former Culture Club).

The foundational body decided to hold the first elections for the members of the managerial board on 23/04/1993.




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