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2011-10-24 16:08:33 Views : 4190 |

Mar Gorgis Congregation in Bahzani


The congregation has existed since 4 or five years ago, but failed to stand on firm ground until 01/ 07/ 2010. Our two religious advisors were Fr. Abdallah al-Khouri Benjamin and Chorepiscopus Afram along with the congregation manager Hadeel Abdallah. The congregation used to have 18 members and continued to work till the present. Now it has 32 members. The congregation has elected a new manager, Mr. Rami Khalil. Following are the main activities of the congregation:

-         visiting sick people and offering presents to them

-         attending funerals and offering condolences and material support

-         cooperation with the members of the religious forum  in all its activities

-         following up the youth and encourage them to attend church

-         showing films on data show in more than one occasion

-         In 10/ 08/ 2010, and in cooperation with the religious forum, the congregation has prepared programs for the celebration held for the students of the summer course that was completed last summer for both sexes. The congregation has in more than one occasion, held parties during religious holidays.

-         Organizing entertainment picnics in participation with the choral and members of the religious forum. One such activity was a picnic to al-Sayida Monastery. The congregation also donated a sum of ID 75,000 in support to the monastery’s orphans.

-         Holding a photograph gallery on 27/08/ 2010 which many people participated. The age of participants was not determined.

-         Organizing the church in religious holidays and celebrations during which light meals were offered

Our organization would like to offer many programs and religious soirées but this is not possible due to lack of funding.


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