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2011-07-23 15:32:55 Views : 3583 |

Tellesqef Sports Club

The Club was established in the town of Tellesqef to the North of Mosul in 22/09/2007 through support from Mr. Sarkis Aghajan. It represents the village of Tellesqef . The club has a managerial board of 7 members in addition to 2 stand-bye ones as follows:

·        Mr. Amer Ya’aqub Jebbo, head of the managerial board,

·        Nasir Y. Yousif, deputy head

·        Uday N. Yousif, secretary,

·        Haseeb M. Hurmez, finacial manager

·        Jamal Y. Khaya, member,

·        Miss Ra’ida Oraha Dawood, member,

·        Luay J. Oraha, member,

·        Fadi A. Youhanna, stand-by

·        Ayman N. Micha, Stand-by


The club has various men and women teams as:

1.     Men’s teams: these include football teams for the advanced players, the youth, and teenagers. There are also volley ball teams for advanced and youth players, a basketball team for the advanced, a ping pong team for the advanced ,youth and teenagers, a billiard team, a chess tem and a cycling team.

2.     Women’s teams: these include teams for basketball, ping pong, chess and cycling.



The club has participated in many athletic events and won many prizes as follows:

1.     The team came first in the al- Salam volleyball championship for women for the northern Plain Nineveh clubs organized by Tellesqef Sports Club in 16/11/ 2007 to 10/ 12/ 2007.

2.     Second in the  women’s volleyball championship within the northern Plain of Nineveh organized by the Organization for Society Stability in cooperation with Tellesqef Sports Club for the period 15/02/2008 through 15/03/2008.

3.     Second rank in the First Rabi’a Football Championship Seven for women organized for the Plain of Nineveh Clubs by Alqush Sports Club for the period between 23/02/2008 and 12/03/2008.

4.     Second rank in Tajddud al Shabab Football championship Seven for pioneers within the northern Plain of Nineveh sector organized by Tellesqef Sports Club for the period 05/06/2008 – 26/06/2008.

5.     Second rank in men’s ping pong championship organized by the Organization for Society Stability in the Youth Club in Alqush for the period 16/06 /2008 through 14/07/ 2008.

6.     Second and 10th rank in Women’s Marathon Racing held by the Organization for Society Stability in cooperation with Tellesqef Sports Club in 10/07/ 2008.

7.     Second rank in women’s volleyball championship within the northern Plain of Nineveh sector organized by the Organization for Society Stability in cooperation with Tellesqef Sports Club for the period 30/07/ 2007 and 14/08/2008.

8.     3rd rank in the Chaldean Syriac Assyian Popular Council volleyball championship for men for the period 17/09/2008 through 28/11/2008.

9.     4th rank men’s volleyball organized by the Organization for Society Stability in cooperation with Qaraqush Sports Club for the northern and southern Plain of Nineveh for the period between 10/11/2008 through 03/11/2008.

10.                         The club came out of the semifinal tournament in volleyball championship organized by the Organization for Society Stability in cooperation with Alqush Sports Club for the northern and southern Plain of Nineveh clubs for the period 10/11/2008 through 16/12/2008.

11.                         Second in the Nissan Five football Championship organized by Batnaya Sports Club for the northern sector of the Plain of Nineveh for the period 20-/04 through 07/05/2010.

12.                        Participation in the Sports Festival held by Alqush Sports Club for the various sports events where it came second in men and women chess and third in ping pong for men and young girls.

13.                        It participated in Sarkis Aghajan’s Second Championship for the northern Plain of Nineveh clubs and came out from the first tournament 18/07/2009.

14.                        Participation in the Der al Sayida Marathon held by the Antonite Monastic Order in 19/04/2010.


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